Sunday, March 13, 2016

March TBR: ARC Goals

Happy Sunday, everyone! I know it's halfway through March already, but I've accumulated a few ARC books that I would like to get off my TBR pile by the end of this month! 2 of which were acquired through the book store that I work at and the last is an e-book copy from Net Galley (a website I may speak about in its own post sometime down the road..).

1. Slade House by David Mitchell
     Think haunted house, weird mystical happenings, British pub. I haven't read any reviews of this yet in order to avoid spoiling it (because it's a relatively short book), but a coworker of mine recommended it. This book came out ~November 2015, so this is a book that is already published... However, how can one simply turn down a free ARC? I'm sure once I've actually read this one, I'll have a much more coherent synopsis for you guys.

2. The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner
     A coming of age story focused on several characters, but mostly on the son of a minister who has been forced to handle poisonous rattlesnakes (perhaps to hone his .... spirituality??). Well... this one is also already out as of last week, but it's a book that I'd been eyeing for a few months. I rarely come across well-written YA novels from a male perspective, so that already has me really intrigued.

3. The Many Selves of Katherine North by Emma Green
   From what I've gathered, our main character, Katherine North, works for a company that has the ability to meld the mind of an individual with an animal. I believe this brain-shift 'thing' (for lack of a better word) is meant to help scientists better understand the emotional basis of animal behaviors, such as fight or flight... However, in one particular circumstance, the animal that Katherine is inhabiting either dies or nearly dies, and she becomes aware that perhaps the company she works for does not have the best intentions for using this information. This is such a WEIRD concept that I just had to try this book out. I'm hoping it is as amazing as it appears to be.

I'll definitely keep you guys in the loop with reviews for these ARCs!

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